Business Debts, Bankruptcy and Debt Removal Secrets

Business Debts, Bankruptcy and Debt Removal Secrets

Bankruptcy is a custom affair with each situation being unique to that business. It all depends on the company, its debt amounts and continuation issues at hand. Does the business have other lines of credit that can be willingly reduced, without harming profits, during the 3-6 month period where a debt is being disputed? Lower scores result in lower lines of credit fairly quickly in business.

If some lines of credit are absolutely required to continue on with business, a bankruptcy could devastate the business even with a restructure. In those times, fighting that debt is best. More importantly, when the business is showing good growth and sustainability all its debts should be in good standing. Bankruptcy is best for new entities that have a high propensity for failure. Long standing companies should seek relief (dispute) of singular debts when they become too great and threaten the survivability of the business.

The FTC has outlined how a creditor can be sued under FDCPA laws, even for business credit, when collecting debts under a different name than the credit was issued under. All business creditors must legally validate the debt when the debtor requests it. Since no debt will ever be validated - all business credit cards and business loans can be removed with the same letters written for 'personal debts'. Only private business debts (net vendor accounts) require a bankruptcy to legally discharge.
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