Can Trust Protect Against Vaccinations, FDA & SWAT Raids, Etc.

Can Trust Protect Against Vaccinations, FDA & SWAT Raids, Etc.

There is a mixture of elements involved in this issue, namely that vaccinations focus on a personal/public health issue while raids occur due to the property being in the public domain rather than the private (thus a Real Estate Secrets issue).

On the regard of personal/public health, there is always a religious doctrine that will be upheld by the First Amendment to the United States Constitution. Those freedoms are of religion, the practice of said religion (so long as it does no harm to others) and freedom of speech. The practice of a religion, much like the Jehovah's Witnesses, may disallow the use of blood transfusions even when it violates a doctor's Hippocratic Oath to "treat the sick to the best of one's ability." Therefore, a religious claim will suffice to stave a vaccination; of course, students may be legally and lawfully denied entry to public or private school administrations. When people are "used to" a system of slavery, freedom is a road not often walked due to the heavy burdens that come with it.

In relation to raids, there is little to no protections when a home (even when paid free & clear) is registered in the County Records Office. The property is considered public and therefore receives the benefit of police - that benefit also means the police may operate on one's land as necessary to ensure public safety (even if it means arresting the property owner). When properly protected as detailed in Real Estate Secrets, the allodial title will move the real property in the private domain. When the real property is private, the only public official who can come on the property uninvited without being in TRESPASS, in fact and in law, is the County Sheriff (or his Lawful County Deputy). Even then, it must be for the purpose of serving a valid Warrant, Subpoena or Summons. For a Warrant or Summons to be valid it must be supported by and serve with a Sworn Affidavit identifying a non-fictional “injured party” in Fact claiming an actual injury, loss or damage In Fact. Without the Sworn Affidavit, the Instrument of Process is not valid In Law, and acceptance of service may be refused. The only exceptions to this are: 1) serving Jury Process, 2) exercising the Power of Posse Comitatus, and 3) active pursuant of an escapee in flight. All other exercise of authority requires individual consent by contract.