How Does One Determine How Much To Sue For In Small Claims Court

How Does One Determine How Much To Sue For In Small Claims Court

There are multiple violations that both the creditors, collection agents and credit bureaus violate and can be squeezed for $1,000 PER VIOLATION.

See the following excerpt from the Debt Validation Request Letter:

If no validation of alleged debt occurs, you have harmed and injured the above named entity to the value of the debt invalidated at a 20% interest rate. This stands as official notice and demand for payment of any invalidated debt including at least a $1,000 fine due to FDCPA violation(s). A notice of lien will be recorded against all assets to recoup the amount due. 

The Notice of Default and Final Statement states the following:

This is a final statement of your account. Please pay in full the amount due within 30 days or less to stop further actions that were agreed to, by tacit acquiescence, in the last mailing sent. Since this is an invalidated and illegally collected debt, you have harmed and injured me according to FDCPA violations the damages of at least $1000. Please remit payment in full immediately or send the letter saying the account has been satisfied in full and no further actions or payments are required for the invalidated debt on your part.

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