If Pass-Through, Holding or Master Trusts Do Not Have Bank Accounts - How Does One Transfer Assets To Them

If Pass-Through, Holding or Master Trusts Do Not Have Bank Accounts - How Does One Transfer Assets To Them

It's true, no bank account is required for Pass-Through, Holding or Master Trusts; however, if one wishes to transfer assets there are many ways of doing so. Most students take money from the public bank account(s) and transfer it into gold and silver via a Private Security Agreement. Precious metals defeat inflation and grow in value over time, and are thusly the only true valuable in this world. One can find other assets like stock certificates, shares, bonds, etc. to transfer assets privately. Paper (fiat) money will become worthless for each country in it's own time and is not a suggested form of value to be kept for long periods of time.

NOTE: If one really wants a bank account for a Pass-Through Trust, the only semi-private trust suggested of having a bank account, one can do that AND still have many of the same protections a private trust offers. In addition, one will always have the non-filed UCC-1 and Private Security Agreement(s) between the 100% private trusts (Master, Holding, etc.) which have no interactions with the public.