Is There Better Affiliate Statistics Tracking
Unfortunately our affiliate platform was designed to merely manage affiliates, create custom links, track cookies and sales. Any affiliate who wants to learn more about what promotion or product is doing best for them in terms of clicks, unique visitors and opt-ins should use ClickMagick.
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How To See Affiliate Stats & Customer Information
1. Login to the Affiliate Area to access the affiliate account (or sign up if not yet registered). 2. Once logged in, one can see their stats. To see a list of buyers and their emails (for future remarketing for other PWA products), scroll to the ...
Can I Purchase Through My Own Affiliate Link
No. This is prohibited by the Affiliate User Agreement under COMPENSATION > COMMISSIONS AND BONUSES PAID FOLLOWING LEGITIMATE SALE > “User may not use their own affiliate link to make personal purchases.”
How Long Does The Affiliate Tracking Cookie Track A User & Log Them As A Sale
We have a tracking cookie that lasts (30) days as of the most current update. Tracking works as shown in the graphic below:
My Affiliate Links All Show The Same URL / Product
The issue of duplicated affiliate links is solved by clearing the browser cache/history. If this does not work, try another browser and all links will show correctly. The affiliate link provided in the Affiliate Area (e.g. ?affiliate_id=xxxxx) can be ...
Super Affiliate vs Affiliate
Let's discuss the differences in affiliate levels. The standard affiliate level will have a payout percentage that is shown next to each product's link (i.e. 30%) and will carry a cookie for certain time period (i.e. 30 days), in which if the person ...