Frank O'Collins speaks on the subject of "a curse returning to the originator" and its implications with lawful money are amazing. The Federal reserve issues credit, real (FRN) or electronic (Fractional reserve banking).
The talisman for their magic (Mammon) of "creating money from nothing" is actually a curse spell on the people. The people believe the Federal Reserve notes and credit are valuable when they are really not. When the people awaken from the "spell" and demand lawful money, they are, in effect, returning the curse to the source.
Today, one may learn more as the knowledge has truly become utterly public as it may be, the convergence of Governance and ritual magic. Think of the US Government today and how ti publicly displays the signs, symbols and tokens of ritual magic in every single thing it does. The Statue of Liberty (ISIS), the service of Justice (Goddess Justitia), the Capitol building (a Temple of Jupiter), The Pentagon/Pentagram (God of War Aries), the Eagle (Phoenix), the Washington Monument (Obelisk and Vesica Pisces), the All Seeing Eye and on and on.
If one wishes to know the workings of ritual magic which permeates and controls one's government, one must simply speak the language and read the symbolic signs hidden in plain view. There is no conspiracy theory, it is open for all to read, it is plainly laid historical and current FACT.