Signing Documents "Under Duress" Secretly to Avoid Injury
Vi Coactus: Latin for "under constraint". Some violent oppressors will unlawfully demand that one not sign with "under duress", to stay within honor, one may lawfully initial in large letters "V.C." where signing, then sign AFTER the initials. This will be sufficient proof on any document showing one was forced to sign and it was done under duress. Of course, at the earliest opportunity before court, one can make it known that upon reviewing the signature, it can be proven to have been forced under threat and coercion and so cannot be used as legally binding agreement. If they tear up the paperwork and demand it be done again, stating, "such a signature is unlawful", those claims are against the laws of the Roman Cult Canon Law, the actual law that underpins the government's own statutes and regulations. If they still refuse, the use of an ellipse is equally valid.
The Ellipse: The use of three full stops (...) placed first, followed by the signature. Do not obscure the three dots with the signature! It legally indicates there was a form of words to state PRIOR to the signature, but were unable due to some event - in this case because of threat and coercion. Of course, at the earliest opportunity before court, one can make it known that upon reviewing the signature, it can be proven to have been forced under threat and coercion and so cannot be used as legally binding agreement and that one meant to write "Vi Coactus" or "V.C.".
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