The Judge Still Ruled In Favor of The Prosecution - What Now

The Judge Still Ruled In Favor of The Prosecution - What Now

This can happen in the lower courts due to inter alia (fraud upon the court) and can be quite common in traffic citation cases. Therefore, if one obtains a guilty verdict, this does mean the case is over. Through proper delivery of Beat The Ticket Secrets Q&A sections for both the judge (pre-trial/arraignment) and the prosecutor (trial/hearing) one can sufficiently prove not only inter alia, but also failure to provide due process, establish proper standing and prove subject-matter jurisdiction (which can never be waived or lost, and can be challenged at any time - even after a guilty verdict). These issues can be raised to the Appeals Court and provide sufficient evidence of wrong-doing.

NOTE: Do not attempt to seek retribution against these lower court judges unless gross negligence is shown (their lying/misinformation does not count).
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