The State Won't Allow Physical Filings for UCC-1 - It's Only Allowed Online - What Now

The State Won't Allow Physical Filings for UCC-1 - It's Only Allowed Online - What Now

Some states have moved to online filing for UCC-1s, but this does not inhibit a trust from printing out a UCC-1 and not filing it. The non-filed UCC-1 is simply there to show proof of an agreement regarding a debtor/creditor relationship, in addition to that there is also the Private Security Agreement which mirrors the debts / statements made within a non-filed UCC-1. When it comes time to move the assets and lien a trust within the trust web, that is when the UCC-1 can be filed and the prior (non-filed) UCC-1 AND Private Security Agreement can be used to show a prior debt agreement to any other creditors / suitors in line.