Trust Minutes Sample

Trust Minutes Sample


Minutes of a meeting of Trustees held on _____/_____/_____ at _____:_____ AM/PM.

PRESENT: John Doe, Mary Doe, Jeff Doe

CHAIR AND QUORUM: The meeting was chaired by _________ noting the quorum was present.

NOTICE OF MEETING: Requirements for notice of the meeting had been satisfied.

RESOLUTIONS: Meeting resolved... 

CLOSURE: There being no further business the meeting was closed.

Signed as a correct record of the meeting by:


[FULL NAME], Trustee 


VEHICLE & USE: The use of vehicle with VIN #_____________, a make/model _____________ made in the year _____________ has been granted for all trustee purposes. The trust will pay insurance and be the sole liability bearer.

MONEY TRANSFER (OUTGOING): $_____________  was sent to _____________ for the purposes of _____________ .

TRUSTE MONEY TRANSFER (INCOMING): The person named _____________ has exchanged $_____________  for (___) capital interest certificate(s) with majority approval by trustees for its issuance.

ASSET TRANSFER: The person named _____________ has exchanged the property herein described: _____________ for (___) capital interest certificate(s) with majority approval by trustees for its issuance.

HOME TRANSFER: The person named _____________ has exchanged the property herein described with the real property information being: _____________ for (___) capital interest certificate(s) with majority approval by trustees for its issuance.

CHANGE OF INDENTURE: The grantor, currently named beneficiary(ies) and all trustees unanimously agree to the following changes to the trust indenture: _____________.

PRIVATE CONTRACT & UCC-1 INDEBTEDNESS: The trustees have agreed to enter into a private security agreement with _____________ exchanging $_____________ for _____________ (services, property, etc.). Both parties agree that a UCC-1 may potentially be filed with the Secretary of State for right of first lien purposes.

NEW BYLAW: The trustees by majority vote have enacted the following: _____________.