What Countries Allow The Bulletproof Trust and/or Lawful Money Redemption

What Countries Allow The Bulletproof Trust and/or Lawful Money Redemption

Mexico, Canada, Poland, Australia, UK have been able to create trusts. Poland & Mexico have drug trafficking problems so they do not allow trust bank accounts (thus the reason they may need to create a corporation instead).

Regarding lawful money redemption, it is included in every country based on COMMON LAW, but often goes under different names (i.e. The Banking Act for Canada). We do not include these laws nor go into them too deeply as less than 5% of all students are found outside the USA.

  1. American Samoa
  2. Antigua and Barbuda
  3. Australia
  4. Bahamas
  5. Bangladesh
  6. Barbados
  7. Belize
  8. Bhutan
  9. British Virgin Islands
  10. Canada
  11. Cayman Islands
  12. Cyprus
  13. Dominica
  14. England and Wales
  15. United Kingdom
  16. Fiji
  17. Gibraltar
  18. Ghana
  19. Grenada
  20. Hong Kong
  21. India
  22. Ireland
  23. Israel
  24. Jamaica
  25. Kiribati
  26. Liberia
  27. Marshall Islands
  28. Myanmar
  29. Nauru
  30. Nepal
  31. New Zealand
  32. Northern Ireland
  33. Palau
  34. Pakistan
  35. Papua New Guinea
  36. Saint Kitts and Nevis
  37. Saint Vincent and the Grenadines
  38. Singapore
  39. Tonga
  40. Trinidad and Tobago
  41. Tuvalu
  42. Uganda
  43. United States