Who Becomes The Owner After A Land Patent Is Perfected
The human named on the conveyance of land patent form (e.g. you in most cases).
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Can A Land Patent Be Perfect After Service of Process For Foreclosure
Yes, a land patent can be perfected after service of process, but the process should be started immediately!
Does A Land Patent Negate Previous Fines, Penalties or Property Taxes
All previous fines, penalties and taxes issued before a land patent was perfected will still be owed.
Can A Loan or Developer Be Gotten For Property with Land Patent
Yes, one cannot get a loan on a property with a land patent; however, one can remove the land patent via quitclaim deed, register it again with the county, and then obtain the bank loan. After the loan is secured, one can then put the land back into ...
Can One Transfer A Land Patent Into A Trust
No, it will merely transfer the deed with clear chain of title. Land patents can only be held by living persons.