Why Must A Video Review Be Recorded
We require this for Mortgage Recovery Secrets because the process is truly unbelievable for most, therefore we are requiring something never before done - mandatory video testimonials for all successes. If we do not collect these, then 95% of students would never join the program. We understand there can be concerns about privacy, the amount received, etc. To allay any fears, we will not be using any full names, listing addresses, or cities where a student resides. If one wishes to avoid this video testimonial, they can revert 10% of the 30% received (e.g. get $30K, revert $10K) to skip this requirement.
NOTE: We suggest a Family Subscription for all members in the household to Optery AND Incogni, together and for at least (3) months. Using these services will allow students to hide their personal information from being found by anyone online. And of course, set all social media profiles to PRIVATE too.
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