Beat The Ticket Secrets
Can Ticket Be Fought At Local Court Despite Being Issued In Another County
No, generally it is not permitted to contest a traffic ticket issued in another county at one's local courthouse. There is a requirement to appear in the court (i.e. criminal offenses) of the county where the ticket was issued, meaning one will need ...
Must A Fine or Judgement Be Paid Before Appeal Is Made
In most cases the courts require the adjudged to pay the penalty before an appeal.
Is a Quo Warranto Necessary
A Quo Warranto action is a writ requiring the person [judge] to show what authority they have for exercising some right or power. This is not necessary to win the court case. This action is typically reserved for judges that are violating their oath ...
When To Use Passport vs Real ID Driver's License vs Standard Driver's License
A passport is the best choice for virtually all identification-required scenarios. The driver's license is required during any traffic stop as 'proof of competency' and should be stated as such when handed to the officer. One must hand over both a ...
How To "Challenge Identity" When Officer Has Body Camera Footage
Challenging 'identity' is for red light photos and other automated tickets. Challenging jurisdiction for a victimless crime is the core issue to deal with.
Does Beat the Ticket Secrets Work Outside The USA
Yes. But be aware that the program was written for US laws. For every country with civil or common law, the core concept of "subject matter jurisdiction" is always applicable. Victimless crimes are just that, victimless and therefore a court cannot ...
Administrative Hearing vs Judicial Proceeding
Administrative hearings utilize many of the same processes and procedures used in traditional courtrooms. Whereas court proceedings are overseen by a judge, administrative hearings are conducted by an administrative law judge (ALJ). One of the major ...
The Judge Still Ruled In Favor of The Prosecution - What Now
This can happen in the lower courts due to inter alia (fraud upon the court) and can be quite common in traffic citation cases. Therefore, if one obtains a guilty verdict, this does mean the case is over. Through proper delivery of Beat The Ticket ...
What Is Standing and How Is It Challenged
Standing is the ability for the prosecution to show an “injury in fact” to their own legal interests. Just because a party has standing does not mean that it will win the case; it just means that it has alleged a sufficient legal interest and injury ...
What Differences Are There Between Criminal vs Civil vs Tort
Criminal law provides a way of punishing people who commit crimes. Criminal law is not concerned with the individual victim. Civil law acts to protect all citizens from wrongdoing and seeks monetary compensation. Tort law is an area of civil law that ...
What Does an Unsigned Plea of Guilty Do
With the unsigned plea of guilty the judge will commit three major fundamental fairness/due process violations at an arraignment (this does not mean a ticket will always get kicked). This is evidence of a violation of "due process" which allows for ...
New York Does Not Have Criminal Court For Tickets - How Does One Beat It
“An analysis of standing begins with a determination of whether the party seeking relief has sustained an injury (see Society of Plastics Indus. v. County of Suffolk, 77 N.Y.2d 761, 772-773, 570 N.Y.S.2d 778, 573 N.E.2d 1043 [1991]).” Mahoney v. ...
What If A Citation Is Not Criminal or Does Not Need To Be Signed
The citation can be disputed successfully if: The ticket is illegible The color of the car is stated incorrectly or not specified on the ticket The plate number is incorrect The plate type is not right The type of vehicle is erroneous or not listed ...