Bulletproof Trust Secrets
Can The Trustee Compensation Be Nothing
There must be trustee compensation, therefore one can make the compensation 1 gram of copper and the trustee(s) can be paid with a single U.S. penny (3g of copper).
Can Someone Be Grantor or Trustee for My Trust
Yes! We now offer the ability to add us as a grantor ($1,000 / trust) or trustee ($250 / trustee / year) to any of your Bulletproof Trusts. This service will avoid any issues where a student may not have a person who is willing to sign as a grantor ...
Will This Show How To Become A State National
No, this program is about private irrevocable trusts hence the name Bulletproof Trust Secrets. A state national is often touted as being wholly private, but there are current flaws being taught on the subject by many. Some benefits claimed are the ...
How To Put Coinbase Account Into Trust
If one already has a Coinbase Prime account, reach out to the Client Services team and ask them to set up an account for a trust. The team will help one through the next steps in the process.
Debt, Divorce and Splitting of Assets
No, a spouse is not legally responsible for debts that the other spouse contracted before the marriage and that are, therefore, presumably in just their name. On the other hand, assets garnered during the marriage would fall under a '50/50 split' for ...
Can Someone At This Company Be Grantor For Trusts
Yes, for a nominal fee of $1,000 per trust one of our agents can be a grantor for any Bulletproof Trust.
Can The Trusts Use Any Digits for Their ID Number
Yes, the ID Numbers for each trust are chosen by the student and do not relate to Employer Identificiation Numbers (EIN) or Social Security Numbers (SSN) in any way. They are internal numbers for separating one similarly named trust from another. ...
What About The FinCEN Beneficial Ownership Information Reporting - What Does This Mean For Bulletproof Trusts
Nothing changes for bulletproof trusts and sole proprietorships because reporting is only required for a domestic statutory entity such as a statutory trust, business trust, or foundation that was created by the filing of a document with a Secretary ...
Does A Common Law Marriage Supercede A State Marriage by License
No. Public contracts supercede private contracts every time. A marriage ordained by the state would henceforth be a statutory marriage via certificate, even if previously the couple were joined by a common law marriage.
Can The Bulletproof Trust Act As A Special Needs Trust To Protect My Settlement and Keep Me Eligible For SSI
Special needs trusts, also known as supplemental needs trusts, are irrevocable trusts established for the benefit of physically or mentally disabled individuals. Special needs trusts protect the assets of disabled adults while maintaining their ...
Is A Confession of Judgment Valid - Does It Cloud Title
A confession of judgment is a written agreement, signed by the defendant, that accepts the liability and amount of damages that was agreed upon. A confession of judgment is a way to circumvent normal court proceedings and avoid a lengthy legal ...
Why Is Word "Grantor" Used When Indorsing Lawful Money For Personal Accounts
A grantor on any account means the person who is or who may become obligated to grantor. This is why "grantor" is used to indorse any checks in lawful money for any income received as an individual.
How Do You Close An Account With A UCC-1
A UCC-1 made by the trust/trustees can provide a release of lien via a UCC-3. This will allow the account to be closed as there will be no further outstanding debts or obligations. The UCC-1 can be re-filed immediately thereafter.
State Requires UCC-1 Filing to List All Fixed / Attached Property on The Real Property
Some states, like California, require a fixture filing for all UCC-1 filings, meaning one has to list everything that is “fixed” or "attached" to the real estate property like: home, dishwasher, windows, etc. The way to blanket all these objects is ...
How To Change Articles of Corporation After Filing
Typically it is best to go direct to the Secretary of State for filing because when utilizing a third-party provider to register an entity, they may leave out some options available only through the SoS website. If there is a change required to the ...
Can Anyone Buy Trust Capital Interest Certificates (Stock)
Yes, with approval by the Board of Trustees the trust may sell any amount of Capital Interest Certificates to any number of persons or entities. Further, the certificates themselves may be restricted from further sale without approval by the Board of ...
Can A Trust Be A Corporate Officer
In the United States, state corporation law uniformly provides that only natural [living] persons may serve as directors of corporations, therefore a trust cannot be a corporate officer. Further, a trust can hold stock for a C-Corporation, but there ...
Can A Trust Be Shareholder for C-Corporation
Yes, both as a shareholder or even the sole shareholder. Further, the trustee can be the originator of the corporation.
Can A Trust Be Shareholder for S-Corporation
No. S-Corps are restricted from having a shareholder that is a private irrevocable express trust (i.e. Bulletproof Trust). Only a Testamentary Trust, Voting Trust, Electing Small Business Trust (ESBT) or Qualified Subchapter S Trust (QSST) can be a ...
Can The Bulletproof Trust Pay for Grantor's Expenses
No, the Bulletproof Trust is not drafted to be this type of trust; however, one can customize the trust indenture to specificy these requirements. When a grantor is paid from the trust it created, this is considered a Grantor Retained Annuity Trust ...
Will Grantor's Death Affect A Corporation Owned By The Trust
Living trusts and testamentary trusts may only hold S-Corporation stock for 2 years after the date of death of the grantor. After death, the trusts become ineligible shareholders and the corporation will lose its S-election due to the grantor's ...
Decanting an Irrevocable Trust
Decanting allows trustees to change some provisions of an irrevocable trust by 'pouring' the assets into a new trust with modified terms. Decanting may be authorized by the express terms of the trust instrument, by common law, or by state statute. ...
Keeping The Same Home Loan (Mortgage) Despite Transfer of Property Into Trust
Many real estate investors perform a deal called 'subject to the existing mortgage' when purchasing homes from other people. What occurs is the homeowner Quitclaim Deeds their property into another's possession, without refinancing the loan into ...
Seller Financing A Home With Bulletproof Trust
Seller financing is a type of real estate agreement that allows the buyer to pay the seller in installments rather than using a traditional mortgage from a bank. A lender, who is not the homeowner, will often reject seller financing if the home is ...
How To Revoke A Trust
To dissolve a revocable trust, one must remove all the assets that were transferred into it. Then fill out a formal Revocation of Trust form, stating the grantor's desire to dissolve the trust in front of a notary.
Why Does The Grantor Have To Be Non-Blood Related (Non-Consanguinity)
In an express trust, the grantor should not be related by blood or marriage so as to adhere to the law against fraudulent conveyances. The judge, in a court action involving the trust, will need to see the list of relevant parties to it, in camera. ...
Can My Chosen Attorney Serve Me In Another State Outside Their BAR License's Jurisdiction
Yes, asking the courts for an attorney to serve on the trial despite it being outside their jurisdiction is called Pro Hac Vice, which is Latin "for this occasion" or "for this turn". In the legal field, pro hac vice is a practice in common law ...
How May The Grantor Create a Trust Without Owning Any Assets
The trust is a private contract, and the consideration needed to create a legal contract falls under The Peppercorn Rule. This rule is a metaphor for a very small cash payment or other nominal consideration, used to satisfy the requirements for the ...
The DMV Denied Registering The Vehicle Because It's In An Irrevocable Trust
Some states only permit a revocable trust to hold a vehicle; however, no current state registration forms ask if a trust is revocable or irrevocable. Therefore, most registrations can "slip through" by filling out all the necessary documents ...
What Is An Amero Dollar
The Amero is a theoretical unit of currency that would be used throughout North America. The Amero is seen as a replacement for the three currencies of the three large countries in North America, the Canadian Dollar, the US Dollar, and the Mexican ...
Can One Entity Obtain Two EINs
No. Each business entity can have only one EIN assigned to it. However, if a business changes from one entity type to another (e.g., converts from an LLC to a C Corporation), it must retire the existing EIN and obtain a new one.
Can I Remove SSI and FICA Taxes From My Business
SSI and FICA taxes are paid still by all the employees of the business. To remove them for yourself, pay yourself as a 1099. A 1099 is an independent contractor and can choose where to place their assets. If there is no income, there is nothing to ...
Bulletproof Trust Explained
The Bulletproof Trust by PWA is a complex irrevocable private express trust. It has the ability to distribute or not to the beneficiaries - at any time by consent of the board of trustees. It is also setup for general welfare (charity) needs. A ...
Irrevocable Non-Grantor Complex Express Trust with Discretionary Spendthrift Provisions
Yes, the Bulletproof Trust is an Irrevocable Non-Grantor Complex Express Trust with Discretionary Spendthrift Provisions under common and contract law. The trustee manages the assets, makes all decisions and adds/removes trustees and beneficiaries at ...
Can A Birth Certificate, Social Security Number or Card Be Put Into The Trust
No. Social Security Numbers, Social Security Cards and Birth Certificates are not 100% one's own property. These items are property of both the government AND one's self. This is why the relationship is referred to as a cestui que trust which is ...
Does The Trust Have The Right To Travel
No, the right to travel is inherent in the living only; however, the trust can change its situs (legal location) by vote from the Board of Trustees.
How Does the Pass-Through Trust and Holding Trust Hold Liquid Assets
Any liquid assets are held physically in a safe.
Quitclaim Deed Property with Back Taxes into Trust
Quitclaim deeds can avoid a clouded title (liens, back taxes, etc.) via an as-is deed conveyance, but the property cannot be sold to anyone requiring financing unless the outstanding liens are paid.
Can A Holding Trust Own Digital Assets For Other Entities - Especially For A Franchise
Yes, Holding Trusts can safely hold all digital assets for other entities. Much like a franchise leases licenses to produce branded content for each business owner, so can a trust.
How To Notify IRS That Entity Is LLC, Corporation or Trust
The IRS knows what the entity is upon registration of an EIN. The number identifies the entity organization structure within their records. The business’ legal name should not contain any of the corporation name endings, such as Corp, Inc, and so ...
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