Court Protection Secrets
What To Put On Certificate Of Service
A Certificate of Service should include: the name of the document served, the date of service, the method of service (e.g., mail, hand delivery), the names and addresses of the parties served, and the signature of the person who served the document, ...
What Is Veterans Court
Veterans Court, also known as Veterans Treatment Court (VTC), is a special court that helps veterans of any military branch who are involved in the criminal justice system. The court's goal is to help veterans reintegrate into their communities ...
The Vaccinated Can Be Patented (Owned)
In the United States the Supreme Court case Association for Molecular Pathology v Myriad Genetics, Inc. (2013) it was ruled that human DNA cannot be patented as it was "a product of nature", but at the end of the ruling the Supreme Court stated that ...
What Are Core Private Rights vs Public Rights
Core private [inherient] rights cannot be taken away, while public [franchise] rights can be. Core private rights lie solely within an Article III Court's *i.e. Court of Equity) judicial power. Numerous consequences flow from that fact: First, core ...
Difference Between "United States" and "United States of America" for Declarations
The difference between "United States" and "United States of America" is expressly written in 28 USC § 1746 (1) which shows that whenever "United States of America" is used for a declaration there is a reservation of specific rights that is not ...
How To Legally Avoid Being Drafted For War
All males (and potentially future females) 18 and older are eligible (and automatically placed) for the armed services draft. This cannot be avoided because everyone with a Social Security Number will be enrolled. Only by rescinding US Citizenship, ...
Does Cancelling Your Voter's Registration Exempt You From Jury Duty
Tax records within the last 3-5 years are also used to pool participants for jury duty. If one is called for jury duty, a letter can be sent stating that there is "unavoidable and mandatory work" on this date.
Going To Arbitration vs Court (Why To Control The Contract)
A Terms of Service which is “1-click away” on every page, even if a digital agreement was not signed, is still a contractual agreement by its sale from provider and purchase the user. That is why even when WayFair was caught illegally selling bed bug ...
Paying the Clerk of Court in Lawful Money for Article III Court Case
Pay all filing fees in lawful money, which would be Federal Reserve notes with an endorsement that it is being converted into lawful money and make the clerk note on the receipt. This is only done to open an Article III court case for lawful money ...
Are Filing Fees, Fines and Costs Be Refunded After A Successful Appeal
Due process requires the return of money paid towards fines, costs and restitution follow a Defendant's successful appeal.
Statement of Claims Received in Mail - What Next
A Statement of Claims letter is sent by the court on behalf of the Plaintiff(s) to notify the Defendant of a legal claim. If the Defendant does not reply to the claim within (10) days, the court will enter a judgment 'by default' after (14) days if ...
What Information Cannot Be Given in a Freedom of Information Request (FOIA)
Recorded information includes printed documents, computer files, letters, emails, photographs, and sound or video recordings. The Act does not give people access to their own personal data (information about themselves) such as their health records ...
Who Is Recommended For Arbitration and Dispute Resolution Regarding The Trust
We recommend a local arbitration company or firm where one can become more familiar with their arbitration process; however, if looking for global arbitration firms, we suggest the following: 1. 2. 3. ...
What Happens After A Lawsuit Win or Default Judgement
Most will settle and give what was asked for, some will require the other enforcement measures. Evidence of a fine, is evidence of compensatory and punitive damages for later actions.
How Does One Go From Courts of Admiralty to Common Law Courts
In the movie "Percy Jackson and The Olympians: The Lightning Thief." There is a scene where Percy goes to the river Styx to enter into Hades, the Ferryman says "Only the dead can enter..." (the “dead” in terms of legal statutes is a "corporation") ...
Saying "NO" to Offers During Court Proceedings [Against The Person]
The BAR wants a person to sign as surety. At key points in a Court case, the BAR members want one to sign certain documents. Why? Because a signature is consent - it can be legally interpreted as agreement to be surety for an obligation, to perform, ...
Motion to Vacate Default Judgement
What are the criteria for vacating a default judgment? There are two main reasons that a court will vacate a default judgment: (1) excusable default and (2) lack of personal jurisdiction. These reasons are explained below. What Are Acceptable Excuses ...
If One Owes The IRS - Can One Go To Jail
No, if it is a civil penalty. Often these civil proceedings regard the government seizing owed back payments (only money). Yes, if it is a criminal penalty. Often these criminal proceedings regard WILLFUL failure to file, evasion, failure to report ...
Foster Children And Releasing Parental Rights Voluntarily Without Court
We have come across many amazing people as they take care of children who have no homes or family to turn to. It's always heartbreaking to care for these children, see them reverse the negative environments they came from into a more positive one, ...
Signing Documents "Under Duress" Secretly to Avoid Injury
Vi Coactus: Latin for "under constraint". Some violent oppressors will unlawfully demand that one not sign with "under duress", to stay within honor, one may lawfully initial in large letters "V.C." where signing, then sign AFTER the initials. This ...
Criminal Court Bonding
Statutes are bonds. Courtroom charges are civil, not criminal. Clerk’s Praxis was the court of arches under the king’s bench at the time of Edward I. Everything involves bonds. When one is arrested there are two different sets of bonds. A bid bond is ...