Lawful Money Secrets
What About IRS CCM 2023-006
This IRS publication pertains to trusts that violate IRC § 643 through misinterpretation. We do not reduce taxes in any of the ways brought forth in § 643, rather we work through 12 USC § 411.
Lawful Money and Refundable Tax Credits
A refundable tax credit is a credit one can get as a refund even if they don't owe any tax (i.e. $0 in taxable income). Refundable credits give any remaining credit as a refund. People who qualify for refundable credits may miss out on refunds ...
Lawful Money and Amortized Tax Depreciations Such As Straight-Line Depreciation
An amortized tax depreciation will gradually write off the initial cost of (an asset) over a period. One such example is straight-line depreciation which spreads the cost of an asset evenly over the time it will be used, also known as its "useful ...
Can Government or Treasury Bonds Be Redeemed In Lawful Money
When a bond matures and stops earning interest, it is time to redeem it by taking the bond(s) to a local bank or the Bureau of the Fiscal Service. However, indorsement is not required to accept the funds therefore other forms of proof regarding ...
Is A 1031 Tax Exchange Necessary
The tax deferred exchange, as defined in §1031 of the Internal Revenue Code, allows the Taxpayer (Exchanger) to dispose of investment or business-use assets, acquire Replacement Property and defer the tax that would ordinarily be due upon the sale. ...
Why Does Lawful Money Not Work for Massachusetts, New Jersey and Pennsylvania
Each state is allowed to levy taxes under its state constitution as it sees fit. This means that indirect taxes, such as the income and capital gains taxes, may be levied without remedy (i.e. redeeming in lawful money) due to laws passed by the ...
How To Profit with Lawful Money As CPA (Certified Public Accountant)
Here's how to turn lawful money redemption, as a CPA, into a goldmine for business. Take any client, a higher net worth is better, and tell them they'll pay $0 in income / capital gains taxes. All you ask is for 100% of the refund for the first year. ...
Can Lawful Money Eliminate Child Support
Lawful money will reduce income and thus monthly child support payment amounts, but it will not avoid it by any means. One can request a modification with the help of their local or state family court facilitator or a private attorney. After paying a ...
Can Cancelled Checks Be Used For Lawful Money
No, cancelled checks that refer to a "Payment Stop" order cannot be used as proof of redeeming in lawful money because no funds exchanged hands. A check which has been drawn or cashed is sometimes called 'cancelled' by financial services, but these ...
Can Lawful Money Verbiage Be Added To Any Payment Processor
Yes, most organizations offer a "Line 2 Address" where the verbiage can be used.
Can Cryptocurrency Wallets Use Lawful Money Language
Yes, cryptocurrency wallets can use the lawful money language.
Are Cashback Rewards Considered Income
Cash back and other similar rewards are not considered income, instead the IRS treats them as discounts. Interest earned is still considered income by the IRS.
Can Lawful Money Be Used To Obtain Unemployment Benefits
No. If one is working, unemployment benefits cannot be obtained or criminal punishment will occur.
Can A Bank Deny A "Without Recourse" Signature
In financial transactions, the words "without recourse" disclaim any liability to the subsequent holder of a financial instrument. Thus, endorsing a check and adding "without recourse" to the signature means that the endorser takes no responsibility ...
Can Corporate Dividends be Redeemed Lawfully
Yes. Corporate dividends, also known as capital gains, can be lawfully redeemed.
How Safe is Lawful Money If A Bank Goes Bankrupt
All money is seized when a bank forecloses and account holders are compensated according to the FDIC insurance policy for each individual account.
Isn't 12 USC § 95a Omitted From The Code
Yes, since 2016 (70th Jubilee for Israel entering Canaan) Title 12 USC §95a has been ‘Omitted’ from the code, but is still active under Title 50: War and Military as a precautionary measure.
Can Lawful Money Be Used Worldwide, Especially Third-World Countries
Any nation with national debt (that is all countries, save North Korea) or that receives debt relief from the Paris Club must be given remedy by law. Even Canada and Mexico offer special or restricted endorsements, as protected by law.
John Schlabach v USA Claims Lawful Money Redemption is A "Frivolous Argument" and "Indefensible Tax Evasion" - Please Explain
John Schlabach v USA was a case brought before the Eastern District Court of Washington in 2018. It regarded tax return amendments filed for 2008-2010 tax years in 2013 by Mr. Schlabach to obtain all income withholdings back. He was not approved for ...
If It Isn't Positive Law - Will It Even Be Upheld By Courts
If it's still an active law - of course it will be upheld. The difference between positive law and natural law is that natural law states that humans have certain rights, moral values, and responsibilities that are inherent in human nature. Natural ...
When To Use Tax Table vs Tax Rate Schedule
Taxable income of less than $100,000 requires the use of a tax table. If the taxable income of a taxpayer is $100,000 or more, a tax rate schedule must be used.
How Is The Debt Cancellation Tax (Forgiveness Tax) Avoided
Cancelled debt is considered taxable income and can be avoided with the redemption of lawful money.
Does The IRS Request Bank Records from Bank for Tax Filing
The IRS doesn't request bank records until they are building a lawsuit against a tax dodger. Once the IRS agent sees the lawful money checks, they issue a refund minus any prior obligations owed.
Can One Claim Child Tax Credits on Lawful Money Tax Return
If a lawful money return results in a refund of the tax year's withholdings then what can those credits be applied to for this year? Nothing. It keeps rolling over until there is taxable income to apply the credits to or it expires. The government ...
The Only Legal Reasons for The Dishonor of a Check
1. The check is overwritten. 2. Signature is absent or does not match with the sample kept by the bank. 3. The name of the payee is absent or not clearly written. 4. The amount written in words and the amount in figures do not match. 5. The account ...
The Bank Dishonored a Lawful Money Check for Deposit - What Now?
1. Get an email or written communication from the bank of such a denial. 2. Get a copy of the check that was dishonored. 3. Find a local attorney who will represent a case for <$5,000 due to the bank's violations a. Dishonor of Indorsement per UCC § ...
Are Capital Gains Avoidable with Lawful Money
Capital gains are generally included in taxable income, but in most cases are taxed at a lower rate. While it is a commonly held that capital gains are a direct tax like income taxes, they are in fact indirect by nature of the taxation occurring due ...
Lawful Money, Lenders and Loans
Lenders require tax returns showing taxable income to be able to approve a loan. Lawful money effectively shows income as ZERO and therefore can increase the difficulty of obtaining a loan. On the other hand, there are some lenders who will work NOT ...
Can One Redeem In Lawful Money If Not A US Citizen
Yes, everyone can redeem in lawful money to avoid the taxable event known as income taxes within the USA. Lawful money does work outside the United States (especially Canada) as confirmed by other students, but is referred to by different terms which ...
Can One Send Payment to Others in Lawful Money
No. Whomever is the recipient of the check must stamp the check themselves and redeem it in lawful money. One cannot redeem in lawful money for someone else.
Can Cash Be Redeemed in Lawful Money
No, and please do not stamp money, as this can potentially be considered "defacing currency" and will lead to extreme sentences and fines. This is why the need for a repository of proof regarding the redemption of lawful money is required. When ...
Does One Have To Redeem In Lawful Money When Sending Money To Others in Our Trust Web
Yes, when the opportunity to redeem lawful money arises (accepting money), it is highly beneficial to redeem at every opportunity.
Lawful Money Redemption in Canada
The Bank of Canada and the Federal Reserve (USA) are linked by multiple printing contracts. It has been observed that the causal link also produces a lawful money redemption that the Bank of Canada processes through the Federal Reserve's New York ...
Does Lawful Money Stamp Have to Be Red or Black Ink
Red or black, the ink color does not matter.
Which Is Better - A Wire Transfer, Zelle, Check or Cashier's Check
It doesn't matter. We prefer checks when possible, but even if by wire, Zelle or PayPal - the phrase "Redeemed in Lawful Money" entered into the notes covers these transfers into a bank account. If by check or Cashier’s Check, one may redeem in ...
The Notice of Intent Was Not Accepted By The Bank
We rarely see a denial to add a Notice of Intent to the bank account. If this occurred, a bank manager most likely sent the paperwork to their team of lawyers. The banks (or their attorneys) don't have to accept the Notice of Intent to Redeem in ...
Is There A Recommended Lawful Money CPA (Certified Public Accountant)
The fee for a lawful money return for an individual is $200 + 20% of one's federal liability. They have an easy online portal to submit documents, and their preparation services are top-notch. NAME: Mr. Giovanni Adolfo Paz URL: ...
Employer Refuses To Remove Social Security Number (SSN) From Records
Many employers are ignorant of the law, that's why they have attorneys. If an employer "offers" to let one go, since they will not remove a SSN from records - do not say "yes and quit". Keep the position. The easiest route is to redeem in lawful ...
Does Lawful Money Need A Special Bank Account
No, lawful money redemption can be utilized in any form of bank account.
Does Lawful Money Work With An Interest Bearing or Savings Account
Yes. Lawful money is the redemption of the currency used and is not based on the type of bank account.
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