Mortgage Recovery Secrets
How To Write "Last, First Middle Name" With 2 Last Names
To determine one's last name for Master Agreements, take the Driver's License and use the last name found (see LINE 1), even if multiple last names are found for the last name field. For example, Mary Joan Rivers Doe would be written LAST NAME, FIRST ...
How To Write "Jr" With Last Name, First Middle Name Sections
One would write "Last Name, First Name Jr." so that John Smith Jr. would be written as Smith, John Jr.
Who Must Sign The Master Agreement To Recovery A Mortgage
Only names on the original mortgage can sign. Further, we only need (1) of person who signed the mortgage paper to sign (recovery only) the Master Agreement. Non-related parties never sign. Even divorcees can collect face value for themselves alone. ...
Does Mortgage Recovery Secrets Work Outside of the USA
Mortgage Recovery Secrets is only applicable to US residents who have a Social Security Number. This gives them the right to the equitable action to reclaim the funds from the Promissory Note.
Can Rent-To-Own Homes / Rental Fees Be Recovered
No, rent-to-own is not a mortgage. Further, there are no recoverable nor refundable fees for this because it is considered a 'private contract' in equity.
Commercial Loans for Recovery or Satisfaction
Yes, we can perform these processes on some commercial loans. For satisfaction, we can work with all commercial loans. For recovery, we must verify funds are available through additional research before processing.
Mortgage Recovery or Satisfaction with a Name Change or Maiden Name
If someone obtains a mortgage under their "maiden name" and is later married or changes their name, we will need the marriage certificate, divorce decree/certificate, or name change documents proving these changes in order to recover or satisfy a ...
Can People with a H-1B Visa Who Purchased A Home Use This
No, these people are not U.S. Citizens and do not have a Social Security Number (i.e. SSNs can be granted to a visa-holder, but one must have both). Therefore they have no equitable rights to reclaim funds.
How To Find the APN/ PIN/ AIN For Property
The APN (Assessor's Parcel Number), PIN (Property Identification Number), or AIN (Assessor's Identification Number) is like a fingerprint for a property, used by the local government to track it. It is needed for things like paying property taxes, ...
Circumvention of Services for Mortgage Recovery Secrets
Circumventing Private Wealth Academy to work with any of the named entities will result in a 10% reduction for the recovery of a note’s face value. Contacting these entities before notarizing the Intake Form will be considered a violation. We accept ...
Why Ask For Government Identification and Social Security Card Information
Technically, we can verify this information ourselves; however, this is merely ensuring there are no mistakes for the Master Agreements that will be signed. If the names found on both the government ID and the SSN Card are incorrect anywhere in the ...
How Do I Find the Deed of Trust or Promissory Note
Deeds are public records and are usually kept by the County Recorder's Office or Register of Deeds in the county where the property is located. Some places may have an online system, while others may require you to visit in person. You can check if ...
Can We Contact H_______A
H_______A is able to be contacted; however, they will want to know what broker (i.e. Private Wealth Academy) and PAR agent (i.e. Joshua Tyler) that introduced the program. If these details are not given, then they will deny the call / email. If this ...
Spouse on Loan Who Co-Signed is Now Deceased - What Can I Do Now For Mortgage Recovery Secrets?
In order to complete a mortgage satisfaction (e.g. for a current mortgage), the surviving spouse can fill out the paperwork (e.g. Intake Form + Master Agreement) and include a Certified Copy of Death Certificate with the initial paperwork. This will ...
Will The Mortgage Recovery Secrets Fee Be Rebated
All Half Your Mortgage Coaching students are qualified to receive a rebate on their Mortgage Recovery Secrets fee after a successful recovery. Rebate applies to only (1) note for recovery, not for satisfaction. For all others, the fees cannot be ...
Why Are These Payout Numbers Different In The 2 Agreements To Sign
The payout percentages and the dispersment of funds are different. The dispersion will see 50% of face value go to homeowner(s) and 50% to H__A (e.g. $100K note sees homeowner(s) receiving $50K), meaning the homeowner(s) are legally liable to pay ...
Are Markups or Notes or Changes Allowed for Agreements
No, these Mortgage Recovery Secrets forms are approved by a federal court judge for the actions granted in them. They cannot be changed or there is risk of the process failing. If a document is edited in any form outside filling in information and ...
Why Must A Video Review Be Recorded
We require this for Mortgage Recovery Secrets because the process is truly unbelievable for most, therefore we are requiring something never before done - mandatory video testimonials for all successes. If we do not collect these, then 95% of ...
Why Was A 1099 Sent To The IRS For My Mortgage Satisfaction
This is a payoff statement that can be negated (e.g. you can still show no taxable income) with the use of Bulletproof Trust Secrets or Elite Tax Secrets. It is required to be sent, due to the way the payoff process works.
Can Satisfying A Mortgage Reduce My Credit Score
Yes, paying off / satisfying a mortgage has the chance to slightly reduce one's credit score, but the impact is usually small and temporary.
Will An Ongoing Lawsuit Against Bank, Lender, Etc. Affect Recovery or Satisfaction
No, neither actions will affect the other while in motion concurrently. In short, lawsuits are a public action and recovery / satisfactions are a private action. However, once a remedy has been found privately this will affectly negate the need for a ...
How To Invest & Grow Using This Mortgage Recovery Process
1. Sign or co-sign for a home loan, potentially with no closing costs (e.g. refinance) OR no money down (e.g. new purchase). 2. Wait ~6 months while making loan payments (e.g. $3000 / mo x 6 = -$18,000). 3. Satisfy current mortgage (-$5,000 per ...
County Only Has Assessor's Parcel Number (APN) or Assessor's Identification Number (AIN) or Property Identification Number (PIN)
These are all acceptable terms: APN, AIN, or PIN. Assessor's Parcel Number (APN) is a unique number assigned to real property by the tax assessor of the property's jurisdiction; Assessor's Identification Number (AIN) and Property Identification ...
Can a DSCR Loan Be Recovered
No. A DSCR loan is a type of non-QM loan or non-qualified mortgage loan. Only qualified mortgage loans can be recovered because a promissory note is issued and sent to the Federal Reserve.
Can We Sponsor / Refer Someone for Mortgage Recovery Secrets
Yes, anyone can refer another person, that they are not a part of the mortgage to, for 5% of the note’s total value. Alternatively, one can sponsor, where applicable, a person for an additional 5% of the note's total value.
How Long Does The Mortgage Recovery Secrets Process Take
The satisfacton process takes 60-90 days, once the loan is reporting to one's credit. The recovery process takes ~12 months, if the process takes longer than 24 months one can receive $8,000 back by forfeiting any right to recovery of the note to us.
What If We Refinanced A Home Multiple Times
Every time a person refinances, the old mortgage is extinguished / satisfied by the new mortgage. If a person refinanced 10 times then they have 9 notes to recover (i.e. not the current mortgage).
How Much Does Mortgage Recovery Secrets Recover
We recover 30% of the note’s full face value and convert it into cash for you - so if your mortgage was originally for $1,000,000 then one would receive a $300,000 Cashier’s Check.
Who Is Doing This Mortgage Recovery Process
Private Wealth Academy has brought this process to the limited public. PAR is the legal recovery agent for the reconverted funds. H__A is the firm that works with the Federal Reserve to reconvert the notes into Federal Reserve Notes (cash) for us. ...
Double Your Money Back Guarantee for Mortgage Recovery Secrets
The 'double your money back' guarantee comes with the understanding that we will have at least (30) and maximum (60) days, after payment(s) have posted, to perform routine inspections on the note to verify there are funds available for recovery. If ...
Can A Person Recover A Note For A Spouse
If the mortgage papers were signed by multiple people, then all those same people are required for recovery. If even a single person does not give Limited Power of Attorney over for recovery, then we cannot recover the funds at all. In short, ...
What Happens To The Note When Refinanced During Recovery
If a person has a note sent for satisfaction on LOAN #1, then they refinance into LOAN #2 during the recovery period (~12 months), the funds will simply be applied towards the current note, NOTE #2. That same person will also be able to recover NOTE ...
Double Money-Back Guarantee for Mortgage Recovery Secrets
Yes, we offer a double money-back guarantee in cases where it is found that one's mortgage note is unrecoverable once Phase 3 (i.e. private admin process for recovery) has commenced.
How Many Intake Forms Should We Fill Out
Only fill out (1) Intake Form per property address, despite the address potentially having multiple mortgage notes available for recovery. We will find all these additional notes in our search. Each note is a separate recovery process and will ...
How Old Can The Mortgage Be
The mortgage must be less than 30 years old, and truly 29.5 years or less because it takes at least 6 months to reconvert the note before it is extinguished completely from both private and public records by The Federal Reserve.
If One Person Has Multiple Houses Can We Get A Referral For Each One
Yes, the person will need to mark the referring user's name at the top of their Intake Form(s).
Will Loan Modifications Count As A New Mortgage Loan
Unlike a refinance, a loan modification doesn't pay off the current mortgage and replace it with a new one. Instead, it directly changes the conditions of the loan.
What Law Gives Banks The Ability To Turn A Promissory Note Into Cash
12 U.S. Code § 372 gives "lenders" the right to convert a promissory note into Federal Reserve Notes under the citation, "any Federal or State branch or agency of a foreign bank ... may accept drafts or bills of exchange drawn upon it". This law ...
Who Sends The Mortgage Note Reconversion Check
The service provider for the loan sends the check, but not before recording it with the county as proof of the note being terminated. We will then receive the check and make payment from the dispersed funds to all relevant parties via Cashier's Check ...
What If One Dies Before Receiving The Check for A Mortgage Reconversion
After death of the holder in due course the payment will go to any immediate heirs - one who has a Power of Attorney (POA) is able to accept.
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