Real Estate Secrets
How Much Should Payment To BLM Be & What About Refund For Overage Funds Sent
The Bureau of Land Management (BLM) can process a refund of extra funds paid without a 30-day waiting period if the payment was made by guaranteed remittance, such as: currency, postal money order, bank money order, certified check, and cashier's ...
Where Can The Land Patent Number Be Found on Paper The Bureau of Land Management (BLM) Sent
In the GLO Records & BLM Records database, a land patent's number is usually listed in the "Document Nr." or "Certificate No." fields.
County Recorder Won't Record Land Patent Due To Title, Wording, or Other Error
Virtually every state has a statutory law, such as California's GC § 27280, that states “Any instrument affecting title to or possession of the real property may be recorded.” Simply search in Google for the state where the denial occurred and cite ...
Can A Loan or Developer Be Gotten For Property with Land Patent
Yes, one cannot get a loan on a property with a land patent; however, one can remove the land patent via quitclaim deed, register it again with the county, and then obtain the bank loan. After the loan is secured, one can then put the land back into ...
Does the Pre-Emption Act of 1841 Act As The Original Land Patent Date
Yes and no. Yes, because the land was typically only "sold" to a settler / citizen after this act was passed; however, no because the Act of 1841 must also trace back, without any ownership transfers beyond the federal government's ownership, to the ...
When Outside Township Limits - Who Do Property Taxes Go To
Everyone still pays property taxes whether inside or outside a township limit. Those payments are divided up to state, county, local/township governance with varying amounts going to each based on location.
Children Enrolled In A Public School - Keep Paying Property Taxes
This is a case-by-case decision that can only be made by the parent(s). For example, how many years are left in their K-12 education vs how many years are left on the tax roll? This research must be done before any decision can be made. That ...
What Do All These Taxes Pay For - What If Everyone Does This
Taxes fund virtually all of the ideologies the average citizen hates: war, non-socialized healthcare, corrupt welfare programs, the FDA, the EPA (too much power for a single agency) and other like-minded censorship vehicles. As expected, the majority ...
Land Patents in Judicial vs Non Judicial Foreclosures
Foreclosure processes are different in every state, ranging from the notices that must be posted or mailed, redemption periods, scheduling, notices issued regarding the auctioning of the property; however, a general understanding of what to expect ...
Will A Land Patent Prevent Someone from Receiving Fire, Ambulance or Police Services
No. These services will be paid-for after they are delivered. In other words, if a fire occurrs it is the legal responsibility for the fire department to put out ALL fires. The same can be said for health services, such as an ambulance, in which all ...
Can A US Citizen Purchase and Legally Own Property in Costa Rica via Real Estate Trusts
Yes, foreigners have the same rights to own property in Costa Rica as its citizens. This includes ownership of property by a US-based trust or a trust with a US citizen as its grantor or trustee(s). The only exception is concession property or land ...
Every State's Constitutional / Statutory Property Tax Exemption
Hire our Constitutional Attorney ($250) to research your state's laws to build a legal argument against stubborn appraisers. STATE LAW QUOTE Alabama ACT 12 Chapter 21 § 12-21-96 Land patents issued by the United States, or any state of the United ...
How Long Do Tax Liens Last Before Expiration
At a minimum, Internal Revenue Service (IRS) tax liens last for 10 years. After that, the debt is wiped clean (released) from its books and the IRS writes it off. This is called the 10 Year Statute of Limitations per IRC § 6322, "The federal tax lien ...
The Cap Rate for Property Taxes Will Reset When Someone New Is Added / Removed From The Title - How To Avoid This
Some states have what is known as a 'property tax cap rate' which guarantees the property taxes for a primary residence will not increase beyond a given amount by law. When a property is transferred via a quitclaim deed or a person is added / removed ...
Texas Was Annexed And Has No Treaty From Mexico - Do Land Patents Still Work
In 1844, Congress agreed to annex Texas from Mexico. Under international law, annexation is when one country forcibly asserts control and sovereignty over another country's territory. This usually follows military occupation. Annexation is ...
When Removing A Property from The Tax Rolls With A Sheriff - Is There A Witness Affidavit Sample In Case of Denial
There is not sample because an affidavit is a written statement of a witnesses' personal observations. A witness states their version of events and swears that it's the truth. This is always custom to the situation.
Does A Land Patent Negate Previous Fines, Penalties or Property Taxes
All previous fines, penalties and taxes issued before a land patent was perfected will still be owed.
Can A Land Patent Be Perfect After Service of Process For Foreclosure
Yes, a land patent can be perfected after service of process, but the process should be started immediately!
Can One Transfer A Land Patent Into A Trust
No, it will merely transfer the deed with clear chain of title. Land patents can only be held by living persons.
Who Becomes The Owner After A Land Patent Is Perfected
The human named on the conveyance of land patent form (e.g. you in most cases).
An Attorney Said Land Patents Aren't Valid Anymore - Now What
One can believe that attorney and what they know as an INDIVIDUAL... or learn from a TEAM of attorneys and legal researchers and see the legal library of Supreme Court cases that say differently (150+ cases in total). The old adage goes, "You don't ...
Should The Property Be Put In A Trust First or Obtain A Land Patent First
Patenting property in one's own name and then exchanging the property into the trust will merely transfer deed with clear chain of title. And in some countries like Australia where a stamp tax is charged for each transfer, that extra step could be ...
Are Boroughs a Municipality
Boroughs are independent municipalities and are 1 of 5 types of municipal government, each operating separately at the equivalent levels of municipal government: City, Borough, Town, Township and Village.
Is My Land Within Municipality Boundary Limits
Be aware, the Real Estate Secrets program is NOT intended for use in situations involving property located within the boundaries of corporate municipality. Most of those matters involve simple contract relationships for actual services rendered, such ...
What Is The Difference: Real Estate Secrets vs Foreclosure Secrets
Real Estate Secrets: Learn how to privatize one's land in 90 days - effectively stopping any foreclosure proceedings and forcing the court to enter one's self, the court and the lender into a constructive trust. Paired with lawful money and the ...
Selling Property That Has Perfected A Land Patent
Property with a Land Patent/Allodial Title cannot be seized by the government or creditors (e.g. banks or mortgage lenders) and therefore has an increased value inherently for this benefit alone. Some students have sold their property for 5% (land ...
The Property Is Within The Municipality - What Does That Mean
Property located within municipality lines cannot be removed from the tax rolls (i.e. property taxes), but can still be privatized with a Land Patent/Allodial Title and thus stopping any foreclosures from removing anyone from the home.
Is A Gated Community Private Land
No. While large communities may exist as their own Township, this does not make them private like a Land Patent/Allodial Title does.
Multiple Documents Are Filed on Property - Does One Only Need Deed of Trust(s)
Even when there are multiple documents/deeds for a real estate transaction, the Deed of Trust can be used without need to refer to all other documents. The primary purpose of Real Estate Secrets is to secure chain of title all the way back to the ...
Can A Person Rescind Voter Registration Immediately
Yes, voter registration can be rescinded immediately. While most steps should be done in order, this can be done earlier.
My State Doesn't Offer Allodial Title (California, Delaware, Etc)
In California and other similar states, they don't use the term "Allodial Title", but often use the term "Fee Simple Absolute," which the dictionary says is the same thing. Therefore it may be a different word, but holds the same idea - much like ...
The State of XXXX Has Said They Do Not Allow Allodial Title Here
That may be what is said at the county or state level; however, Allodial Titles / Land Patents / Fee Simple Absolute Titles go back to the original treaty that granted the land from one sovereign (e.g. Spain, Mexico, France, Native Tribes, etc.) to ...
Will This Work For A Condo or Townhouse
Unfortunately the claim to the LAND (by Allodial Title) that is necessary to stop a foreclosure is not possible with condominiums; however, a single story townhouse (no one lives on top of another) has the possibility to claim the land. Townhomes ...
How Does One Obtain Non-Obligation For Property Taxes
Real Estate Secrets covers the method for obtaining Allodial Title (Land Patent) which is necessary to begin. Afterwards, removal from tax rolls and voter rolls is necessary. Once this has occurred, one should have the local Sheriff's signature ...
What Is The Difference Between Real Estate Taxes & Property Taxes
Real estate tax and property tax are the same thing. The IRS uses the term "real estate tax," but most people call it "property tax." Property (real estate) tax is charged on immovable property—land and structures that are permanently attached to the ...
How Does One Save A Home From Foreclosure
It's certainly not by creating a "promissory note" and attempting to pay it off by sending that somewhere - that'll land one in jail! The only way to win, is to prove what occurred - fraud! Do not argue with complex arguments explaining the entire ...
Home Owner's Association (HOA) Fees - Can One Get Out Of Them
If one does not want to be in a homeowners association or can’t afford it, the easiest option is to not join one; however, depending on the rules associated with a neighborhood, joining may be compulsory. When looking at a home, if the neighborhood ...
Why Must One Wait Two (2) Years To Sell Home After Transfer
Regardless of other factors, it's best to live in the home at a minimum of two years before selling. If one lives in the home as a primary residence for at least two of the five years prior to sale, one can exclude $250,000 ($500,000 for married ...
Can One Quit-Claim Deed The Property After Foreclosure Proceedings
No, even though the loan was fraudulent and they never lent any money, one cannot transfer property into a trust after foreclosure. No equity = No standing. Once title transfers, the mortgage company has the title to the home and there is nothing ...